Monday, 15 October 2012

What were they thinking? Games Workshop and the greed of iApps.

I support Games Workshop as much as I am able to. I own (or have owned) multiple games they put out or license from Dreadfleet and Space Hulk to Death Angel, and the Dark Heresy RPG. Sometimes though they make a bone headed mistake that is bound to alienate a large portion of the players, such as today's Chaos Marine update for the Warhammer 40'000 Psychic Powers app for iDevice.

When Dark Vengeance came out, I bought the Psychic Cards as I generally see the value in buying things like that that make the game run smoother (ditto on the Objective Markers/Dice). When GW released an app for psychic powers, I downloaded it as soon as I was able to, even though the price for an app was steep, and I already had the cards. I thought the app was really great except for the exclusion of the codex powers for those armies that had codex powers. I even rated their app (4 out of 5 stars) based on what I had seen.

Well, what I had not foreseen is that Games Workshop would not provide free updates for their app so it would still be useful 6 months, or even 4 years after release. As it stands now, if you do not pay an extra $5.99 Canadian for the update, it locks out all Chaos Psykers from the App.

So I go to the app store and click on app support, fill out my complaint with GW and ask for my money back, and then see a link on the GW page about how to request a refund, so I follow those steps and guess what? iTunes/App Store direct you to Games Workshop.

My advice to one and all is, do not support Games Workshop digital products. You have no guarantee when or if they will be updated, and once they are they may ask you to pay or lock out key features of the app.

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