The battlefield consisted of 3 ruined buildings in each deployment zone, with a no man's land in the middle with several craters and a small ruin to represent a fountain or gathering place. I pictured this as the ruined town centre for a small town destroyed in an earlier Tau assault.
My Tau consisted of Shas'O Darkfall with a Cyclic Ion Blaster and Missile Pod, 2 three man Crisis Suit Teams, 1 with Fusion Blasters and Missile Pods that I planned to deep strike in to take out any IG armour, and 1 with Burst Cannons and Missile Pods for more anti-infantry fire power. There were 2 twelve man Fire Warrior Squads, 2 four man Gun Drone Squadrons (Held in reserve to deep strike), and 2 Broadsides, each selected as individual Heavy Support choices.
My opponent had a Lord Commissar, 2 Vet Squads with Melta Guns and Chimera and 1 Vet Squad with Gunnery Sgt Harker, cammo cloaks, and plasma guns that he deployed in a ruin for a very annoying 2+ cover save! He also had 2 Medusa taken as seperate heavy support choices and a single Vendetta.
Turn 1:
- Tau Turn 1: This was pretty successful. Taking advantage of my Black Sun Filters to negate the penalties with Night Fighting, my Broadsides were able to destroy both Medusa with a single lucky round of shooting. My Commander with his Crisis Suit squad (Burst Cannons) opened fire on a chimera out in the open with their missile pods and managed to get 2 hull points on it. Lastly I managed to kill a single guardsman in Gunnery Sgt Harkers squad when he rolled a 1 for his cover save. Unfortunately, he wouldn't fail another 2+ cover save on that squad for the rest of the game!!!
- Imperial Guard turn 1 was pretty ineffective, he drove both Chimera 12 inches forward and snap fired at a Fire Warrior squad in the ruins at the center of my deployment zone managing to kill 1 Warrior. Losing both Medusa before they got to shoot put a crimp in his plan for sure.
- Tau Turn 2: This was another successful turn of putting lead on target. All 3 of my squads in reserve came in. I deep struck the 2 Gun Drone Squadrons behind Gunnery Sgt Harkers location but they scattered far to the left. Luckily, my Fusion Blaster Squad landed exactly where i wanted them and were in range to blast the Chimera this turn. The Fusion Blaster Squad split fire (the Team Leader had a target lock) and blew up both Chimera, the resulting explosions rocked the Guardsmen with one squad taking 50% casualties despite having Carapace Armour upgrades. Both Guard Squads were pinned and were quickly cut down by the combined fire power of 11 rapid fire pulse rifles, and my Commanders Crisis squad. The Gun Drones managed to inflict a wound on the Guard squad at the back, but they passed their pinning test.
- Imperial Guard Turn 2: The Vendetta came in on Guard Turn 2, but over 2/3rds of their army was gone by that point. Harkers squad turned its weapons on the Fusion blaster Crisis Squad and managed to cut down the shield drone and 1 of the suits. The Vendetta promptly melted the rest of the Fusion Blaster squad with its 3 twin linked lascannons.
- Tau Turn 3: This was the least efficient turn of the game for the Tau. The Broadsides managed to get a hit on the Vendetta but it jinked out of the way of the shot. It also jinked out of the way of the missile shots form the Commanders Crisis squad. At this point the Fire Warrior squads pretty well played no further role in the game as they couldn't get any wounds past the 2+ cover save Sgt Harker's squad had, however the Gun Drones continued to pile on the wounds each turn, causing the Guardsmen to become pinned down.
- Guard Turn 3: The Guardsmen fire was largely ineffective, only managing to kill a single gun drone with the Guardsmen (since they had to snap fire for being pinned) and the Vendetta missed its targets since it had to snap fire due to jinking.
- Tau Turn 4: The Broadsides managed to get a lucky penetrating hit that caused the Vendetta to crash and burn. Unfortunately, it scatted 1 inch to short to flatten some Fire Warriors! The Gun Drones continued to lay down suppressive fire on the guardsmen, who at this point were down to 4 men including the lord Commissar.
- Imperial Guard Turn 4: Down to only 4 men and trying to prevent a tabling, the Guardsmen huddled down in the ruins out of line of sight of everything but the Gun Drones.
- Tau Turn 5: The Gun Drones again laid down a curtain of suppressive fire, slaying the remaining Guardsmen and leaving only the Commissar standing. The Commander with his Crisis suits bounded forward hoping to get another chance to shoot at the enemy commander.
- Imperial Guard Turn 5: The Commissar, looking around and seeing all the bodies of his troopers, bellowed a war cry and charged the nearest Gun Drone Squadron. Unfortunately, armed only with a Bolt Gun and a Chain Sword, the Commissar was largely ineffective in close combat and even managed to take a wound in return from a Gun Drone!
Victory to Commander Darkfall!! Victory to the Tau Empire!!
What I learned:
1) Gun Drones are actually really good. This is only the second time I have fielded them, and being able to deep strike in and inflict pinning wounds on models and negate part of their cover save was great.
2) Tau guns are awesome!! Seriously, I am used to bolt guns where you need 4's to wound most things. Having a game where every weapon in my army needed 2's to wound the enemy was awesome.
3) Tau need to be able to deal with dug in units like Sgt Harker. lacking any decent close combat units, Tau have to rely on shooting squads out of cover like that so I either need to take some marker lights in my next game, or deep strike in some suits with Flamers.
4) 1100 points makes for a nice quick game for an evening, it took us about 80 minutes to play a full 5 turns and on the plus side, at 1100 points, you cant over specialise or you wind up being unable to deal with one thing or another.
My friend is still learning with Imperial Guard and made some mistakes early in the game, driving the Chimera's out of cover on turn 1 instead of waiting for his turn 2 where I would have also been shooting at the Vendetta, but it was overall a very enjoyable game. He is going to write the next mission for our narrative campaign and I will post again once we have played that.