Saturday, 16 February 2013

Hobby Challenge: 1000 points of Eldar by my Birthday

My Friend and I are doing a hobby challenge to paint 1000 points worth of models by my birthday (July 4th)
This should be easy to do as that's just 200 points a month. I am going to do Eldar, inspired by Gav Thorpe's novels Path of the Warrior and Path of the Seer. Below is my proposed list and my reasons for taking them.

1000 Pts - Eldar Roster - The Sword of Alaitoc

 (Thirianna is one of the 3 main characters in this trilogy. She is represented here by a Warlock. Kelamith was one of the Farseer's in defence of Alaitoc when the Mon-keigh came.)
HQ: Farseer (4#, 280 pts)
1 Warlock Unit, 105 pts
1 Methrain ((p.27-28 & p.60 Eldar);  Embolden ; Fleet; Rune Armour; Shuriken Pistol; Witchblade)
1 Thirianna ((p.27-28 & p.60 Eldar);  Enhance ; Fleet; Rune Armour; Shuriken Pistol; Witchblade)
1 Nenamin ((p.27-28 & p.60 Eldar);  Destructor ; Fleet; Rune Armour; Shuriken Pistol; Witchblade)
1 Farseer Kelamith, 175 pts ((pp.26, 28 & 60 Eldar); Psyker (2);  Doom ;  Fortune ;  Guide ; Fleet; Ghosthelm; Rune Armour; Runes of Warding; Runes of Witnessing; Spirit Stones; Shuriken Pistol; Witchblade; Independent Character;  Warlord)

(The Hidden Death is the shrine that Korlandril went to when he became trapped on the Path of the Warrior and became the Exarch Morlianath)
Elite: The Hidden Death (6#, 138 pts)
5 Striking Scorpions, 138 pts ((pp.33 & 62 Eldar); Mandiblaster; Scorpion Chainsword; Shuriken Pistol; Plasma Grenades)
1 Morlaniath ( Shadowstrike ;  Stalker ; Mandiblaster; Shuriken Pistol; Biting Blade; Plasma Grenades)

(The Deadly Shadow is the Striking Scoprion shrine that Korlandril trained at. Khenainath was his Mentor/Leader)
The Deadly Shadow (6#, 148 pts)
5 Striking Scorpions, 148 pts ((pp.33 & 62 Eldar); Mandiblaster; Scorpion Chainsword; Shuriken Pistol; Plasma Grenades)
1 Khenainath ( Shadowstrike ;  Stalker ; Mandiblaster; Scorpion Chainsword; Scorpion Claw; Plasma Grenades)

(I couldnt find a good reference to the Fire Dragon's in the novels, but need something at 1000 points to deal with vehicles (if any).)
The Fang That Falls (6#, 136 pts)
5 Fire Dragons, 136 pts ((pp.32 & 62 Eldar); Fleet; Fusion Gun; Melta Bombs)
1 Maerthuin (Fleet; Tank Hunters;  Crack Shot ; Firepike; Melta Bombs)

(This is a Dire Avenger shrine specifically mentioned in Path of the Warrior)
Troops: The Light That Burns (10#, 177 pts)
9 Dire Avengers, 177 pts ((pp.30 & 64 Eldar); Fleet; Avenger S-Catapult)
1 Iriethien (Power Sword; Fleet;  Bladestorm ;  Defend ; Shimmershield)

(Finishing up the trio of intertwined stories, Aradryan is represented on the table by the Pathfinders.)
Troops: Pathfinders (Rangers) (5#, 120 pts)
5 Pathfinders (Rangers), 120 pts ((pp.38 & 64 Eldar); Fleet; Infiltrate; Move Through Cover; Stealth; Ignore Difficult Terrain; Pathfinder Stealth; Scouts; Shuriken Pistol x5; Ranger Long Rifle)

Fluff aside, this list will let me paint a variety of different amour patterns from the greens and gold of the Scorpions to the red and orange of the Fire Dragons. Striking Scorpions have always been one of my most favourite Aspect Warriors, there is something about how menacing the miniatures look that appeals to me. The Warlocks with the Farseer will be painted in the colours of Alaitoc (blue and yellow) but I want to try and mimic the scheme on the cover of Path of the Seer so it is not as simple as blue robes with a yellow helmet.

I will post pics as I make progress.

1 comment:

  1. I am thinking about making some changes to this list. Dropping the Warlock Squad and the Fire Dragons will allow me to get some Wraithguard which are a bit better anti tank from 7" - 12" than the Fire Dragons. They will be led by Thirianna
