Thursday, 15 November 2012

Eldar vs Imperial Guard

Tuesday night I played a game against my friends IG army with my Eldar. This was a 1500 point game and I was not too confident going in to it. I knew he was going to be taking at least 2 Leman Russ tanks, and my long range fire power to deal with those was limited to just two Wave Serpents with twin linked Bright Lances.

I took a 6 man squad of Fire Dragons, hoping to rely on their melta weaponry to deal with the AV14. I also took a 5 man Wraithguard Squad with a Warlock and they proved to be the stars of my army. Even with such a small squad, thanks to guide, they had no problem getting glancing and penetrating hits on the AV14. This is because their Wraithcannons glance on a d6 roll of 3-4 and penetrate on a 5-6!!

My entire force was either mounted in Falcons/Wave Serpents, or infiltrated/out flanked. On my turn three, my Wraithguard disembarked from their Wave Serpent and completely annihilated the first Leman Russ tank. On turn 4, they vaporized the second Leman Russ and it was pretty well game over for the Guard.

There were a couple other things that worked well for me as well. This was my first time outflanking War Walkers. They came in on my turn two on my preferred table edge and basically removed the threat of his artillery squadron (2 Medusa) by destroying one outright, and taking the main gun off the second. I was also impressed with the durability of the Wave Serpents. The force field makes them really good, and I was able to drive them more aggressively because of it.

Rumors are that Eldar will be getting a plastic Wraithguard kit in the near future. If that turns out to be true I will be really happy because when you can get them within 12" it seems not much will be able stand up to them.

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